Thursday, August 19, 2010

how i pay my crew a.k.a. Pepa the Cowboy

as i mentioned on my blog, we came to an understanding that i'll be paying my crew their wages as their very own puppets. and here is pepa with his miniature puppet cowboy pepa.
the western house and the rocking chair (the one the puppet is sitting on) were all meda by pepa himself. so, who else could've been the owner of those in everland but him?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Everland is coming alive again

Although we had some problems last week we don't give up. There are still people whose wishes didn't become real - neither ours - we believe in the film so much.
As our shooting continues Everland grows. New stories, new characters appear. They're living creatures I really do think so. Look at this video and check :)

Ačkoliv jsme minulý týden měli menší problémy, nevzdáváme to. Pořád jsou kolem nás lidi, jejichž přání nebyla naplněna - stejně jako ta naše - tak zkrátka v ten film tolik věříme.
Jak natáčení pokračuje, Everland roste. Objevují se nové postavy, nové příběhy. Opravdu se domnívám, že jsou živí. Podívejte se na video a uvidíte sami :)